
December 19, 2018

American-Turkish Council Welcomes its Newest Startup Member, Carter McClean LLC

CarterMcClean is a US-based government affairs firm located in Washington, DC. While large contractors can afford sizeable staffs and Washington offices to address various federal issues, smaller ones do not have that luxury; however, with a capable teammate— CarterMcClean—they can […]
October 4, 2018

Breeding Henry Baysan Becomes Most Recent ATC Member

The American-Turkish Council (ATC) would like to welcome Breeding Henry Baysan PC (BHB) as its newest Bosphorus Member. BHB is a full-service law firm with a team of over 100 lawyers and advisors worldwide providing client-tailored and project specific services to globally […]
September 26, 2018

The ATC Welcomes Colakoglu Metalurji as its Newest Member

Colakoglu Metalurji is a leading company in the iron and steel industry since 1945. Over the years, Colakoglu proved its determination in its efforts to bring state-of-the-art technologies to Turkey by investing in a new melt shop and rolling mill for […]
September 26, 2018

4 New Square Becomes Most Recent ATC Startup Member

The American-Turkish Council would like to welcome 4 New Square as its newest startup member. 4 New Square is a leading commercial set of barristers chambers in London. They have a very strong reputation in commercial litigation, international arbitration, construction, and insurance work, sports law, and […]