

Golden Horn Bosphorus Marmara Start-Up Student
$13,000/yr $5,000/yr $2,500/yr $500/yr $150/yr
Business Development
Access to the ATC network of companies; including potential clients, business partners, service providers, and industry leaders in the U.S.-Turkey business community
Special rates for the following: (1) Annual Conference on U.S.-Turkey Relations (2) ATC Summits/Events/Briefings (3) Trade Missions ✔* ✔**
Exclusive access and rates for partner events
New member company announcement on ATC media channels
Speaking and writing opportunities at ATC events in key industries
Assistance in Business Matchmaking
Exclusive discount on an ATC Trade Mission for new members 1 Comp Ticket*** 50% Off
Invitations to exclusive events, including the Chairman’s Trips to Turkey, receptions, and private meetings in honor of high-level government officials
Guaranteed seat at all ATC events
Advocacy & Government Relations
Participation in Sector Committees and Key Topic Working Groups
Publish Articles (Subject to editorial approval)
Eligibility for leadership role in Sector Committees and Key Topic Working Groups
Member Spotlight in the ATC Monthly Newsletter
Access to key government officials; political influencers; prime decision-makers
Business advocacy assistance on company-related special service requests
Eligibility for a seat on the Board of Directors
Company promotion through ATC media channels
Link for your company website on the ATC website
Business Intelligence
ATC Monthly Newsletter and Bi-Weekly Economic Briefing
Support company objectives & growth through decades of expertise and influential networks
Assistance in outreach for private receptions, events, and meetings
*Only applies to Annual Conference
**Complimentary Annual Conference Sessions-Only Ticket
***Can be substituted with an Annual Chairman’s Trip for Golden Horn members