BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//American-Turkish Council - ECPv4.2.1//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALNAME:American-Turkish Council X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for American-Turkish Council BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC-4:20160925T110000 DTEND;TZID=UTC-4:20160925T190000 DTSTAMP:20160925T004755 CREATED:20160919T195425 LAST-MODIFIED:20160919T201241 SUMMARY:14th Annual Turkish Festival DESCRIPTION:The American Turkish Association of Washington DC (ATA-DC) is pleased to announce “Line Dance for Peace” initiative and invite Washingtonians to join hands to call for World Peace at this year’s festival. The Turkish Festival\, which has been recently selected as the “Best Festival” and “Best Cultural Festival” by Washington City Paper readers\, will take place on Sunday\, September 25\, 2016on Pennsylvania Avenue NW between 12th and 14th Streets. Every year\, the award-winning festivalbrings together numerous Turkish-style artists\, artisans and authentic vendors\, along with more than 20\,000 attendees. URL: LOCATION:Between 12th and 14th St. Pennsylvania Ave NW\, DC\, Washington\, DC\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20161003 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20161006 DTSTAMP:20160925T004755 CREATED:20160919 LAST-MODIFIED:20160919 SUMMARY:New Turkey Strategic Research Center | International Science and Technology Conference DESCRIPTION:About the Conference\nNew Turkey Strategic Research Center (NTSRC) is a non-profit think tank that is composed of sixteen institutes and forty-one research groups. NTSRC is also in contact with more than three thousand national and international academics and researchers. The center publishes a bi-monthly academic journal called 'New Turkey Journal' (Yeni Turkiye Dergisi) and organizes international conferences. In this context\, we are organizing an international conference on Science and Technology in October 3-6\, 2016 in Ankara\, Turkey. During the conference\, present situation and future prospects of all topics related to ‘science and technology’ will be discussed by over three hundred participants from more than fifty different countries. We believe that the outcome of this international gathering will be an outstanding contribution to and source on the subject of science and technology for scholars worldwide.\n\n\n\nTopics\n \n\n \tScience & Technology: Past\, present and future\n \tScience & Technology in energy production & management\n \tNanotechnology and Material Science\n \tInformation Sciences\n \tScience\, technology & Social Behavior\n \tScience & technology in life sciences\n \tScience\, technology & Education\n \tScience & technology policies\n \tScience & technology in Security\n \tScience & technology and Engineering\n\n \n\n URL: LOCATION:Söğütözü\, Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu Cd. No:1\, 06520 Çankaya\, Ankara\, Turkey ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="New%20Turkey%20Strategic%20Research%20Center" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20161006 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20161010 DTSTAMP:20160925T004755 CREATED:20160906 LAST-MODIFIED:20160906 SUMMARY:Startup Istanbul DESCRIPTION:Startup Istanbul is the leading startup event which brings together founders\, investors and executives in the region. It's a gathering of the leading startups\, internet companies\, business angels and venture capitalists from Asia and Europe.\n\nIstanbul is the perfect setting for a tech conference for Digital Minded Companies\, Ventures and Startups with global ambitions in the region. This event is made of networking. Hours of networking with best founders\, executives\, entrepreneurs and investors all around the region.\n\nThis year’s event will have more than 500 selected startups and more than 4.000 attendees.\n\nOn 6-7th of October selected 100 startups will gather in Istanbul and meet best mentors from US and Europe. On 8th of October 50 startups will be selected by the mentors and they will pitch to the jury. 15 of them will be selected for the final event.\n\nOn the 8th of October\, 50 selected startups will pitch to investors. Only investors are invited to the demo day. In the end\, top 15 will be selected for the finals to pitch on the Startup Istanbul stage on 10th of October. URL: LOCATION:Çamlıtepe Mahallesi\, A\, Ayazağa Caddesi No:4\, 34396 \, Istanbul\, Turkey ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20161015 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20170220 DTSTAMP:20160925T004755 CREATED:20160906 LAST-MODIFIED:20160906 SUMMARY:The Art of the Qur’an: Treasures from the Museum of Turkish and Islamic Arts DESCRIPTION:Introduction\n\nIn recognition of the remarkable collections of the Türk ve İslam Eserleri Müzesi (Museum of Turkish and Islamic Arts) in Istanbul\, the Smithsonian’s Freer Gallery of Art and the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery are collaborating with this prestigious institution to present some of its finest Qur’ans. The Art of the Qur’an: Treasures from the Museum of Turkish and Islamic Arts marks the first time that many of these beautiful artworks will be on display outside Turkey and is the first major exhibition devoted entirely to the Qur’an in the United States.\n\nThe Exhibition\n\nThe Art of the Qur’an highlights more than sixty exceptional Qur’ans\, dating from the Abbasid period in the eighth century to the rule of the Ottomans and the Safavids in the seventeenth century. Celebrated manuscripts from Seljuk Iran and Anatolia (twelfth century)\, the Mongol Il-Khanid and Timurid empires (fourteenth and fifteenth centuries)\, and Mamluk Egypt (fourteenth and fifteenth centuries) will be on display. A number of mosque furnishings\, such as Qur’an boxes and stands\, will also be included alongside works from the Freer and Sackler collections.\n\nPublic Programs\n\nIn conjunction with the exhibition\, a series of public programs—including a symposium\, a family day\, public lectures\, and a calligraphy and illumination workshop—will be held at the Freer and Sackler. The calendar of events will include docent-led tours and activities in ImaginAsia\, the museums’ popular hands-on art educational program for young visitors. The exhibition will be documented on the Freer and Sackler website\, where it will be maintained as a permanent archive of images and information.\n\nThe Freer and Sackler Galleries at the Smithsonian Institution\, Washington\, DC\n\nLocated on the National Mall in Washington\, DC\, the Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery together form the Smithsonian’s museum of Asian art. The Galleries share a long history of highly successful exhibitions and programs that feature the diverse cultures of Asia. The museums are open to visitors free of charge year-round. URL: LOCATION:1050 Independence Avenue SW \, Washington\, DC\, 20013\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20161020 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20161020 DTSTAMP:20160925T004755 CREATED:20160923 LAST-MODIFIED:20160923 SUMMARY:U.S.-Uzbek Government-Business Roundtable DESCRIPTION:Save the date! Interested American companies are invited to attend the second U.S.-Uzbek government-business roundtable\, to take place on Thursday\, October 20\, in Tashkent. This roundtable will focus on agriculture\, food processing and packaging\, and related storage and logistics. Attendees will have the opportunity to interact with U.S. government and Government of Uzbekistan representatives\, as well as with visiting and locally based companies. Potential attendees may also be interested in remaining in Tashkent for the Government of Uzbekistan’s international fruit and vegetable fair planned for October 21-23.\n\nIn order to facilitate visa issuance\, if you are interested in participating in the government-business roundtable\, please send your company name\, your name/title\, and contact details (phone number and e-mail address) to Please confirm your attendance no later than September 28. Additional logistical information will be provided as soon as details become available. Thank you in advance for your interest in participating in this event\, which is being co-organized by the U.S. Embassy in Uzbekistan\, the Government of Uzbekistan\, the U.S. Department of Commerce\, the American Chamber of Commerce in Uzbekistan\, and the American-Uzbekistan Chamber of Commerce. URL: LOCATION:DC ORGANIZER;CN="U.S.%20Department%20of%20State" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20161024 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20161026 DTSTAMP:20160925T004755 CREATED:20160805 LAST-MODIFIED:20160805 SUMMARY:Medical Innovation Summit DESCRIPTION:When Medical Innovation Becomes Transformation: Look Out.\nMIS2016 to Take on Healthcare's Historic Changes.\nHistorians define eras. The people living through them are usually oblivious to the significance of their times. Denizens of the Renaissance didn’t know they were bridging Medieval times and the Early Modern Age. They simply lived their lives and enjoyed the growing interest in arts\, science and philosophy. In healthcare\, by contrast\, we of the 21st century are fully conscious that we are entering a new historical epoch. For some\, it’s liberating to see our industry moving forward – propelled by government\, technology\, and consumerism. But the pace of change has sped up. What began as a modest trot has turned into a mad dash without a clear finish line.\n\nCleveland Clinic wants to end the madness. We’re ready to clear the landscape of buzzwords\, bring the players together\, and establish clear strategies for change. This year\, the Cleveland Clinic Medical Innovation Summit will be devoted to the single most important topic in our industry: Healthcare Transformation. The 2016 Medical Innovation Summit will bring the energy and intellectual firepower of physicians\, scientists\, entrepreneurs\, inventors\, investors\, and the best minds in law\, media and government into one place\, at one time\, with one goal: to identify and activate the most exciting opportunities for innovation. The whole concept of healthcare delivery – from hospitals\, to clinics\, to appointments\, and doctor visits – is changing even as we plan. Get ready for new modules\, different types of speakers\, and an array of enlightening and disruptive ideas.\n\nThe 2016 Medical Innovation Summit will be a creative act from beginning to end. We will use the ideas of speakers and attendees to articulate a unified approach to innovating the healthcare system. Times of change are times when individual innovators can have a major impact on the lives and fortunes of those around them. The eyes of future historians will be upon us. Let's return their gaze with confidence\, and deliver the best that our era has to offer. Come to Cleveland for the Medical Innovation Summit in October\, and ignite a new age of medicine.\n\nAmerican-Turkish Council Members can use the code TURK16 to receive a $200 discount off the a full access pass to the Summit. Code expires on October 7\, 2016.\n\nRegister Today. URL: LOCATION:300 West Lakeside Avenue\, Cleveland\, OH\, 44113\, United States ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR