The Eurasia Airshow, which will take place in Antalya on April 25-28, 2018, will bring together the decision-makers of the global aerospace industry. Eurasia Airshow aims to be one of the most important airshows on par with the Paris Airshow, Farnborough Airshow, Dubai Airshow and Singapore Airshow, which have been well recognized in the global aviation industry.
The Eurasia Airshow aims to develop a business volume of multi-billions in the commercial and military aviation sectors. The world’s major players in aviation and aerospace industry, approximately 70 percent of whom are from overseas and 30 percent are domestic, will gather at this event. It will be held at the Antalya International Airport, one of the top three busiest airports in Turkey. The area and its sufficient infrastructure ensure a top-level exhibition of flight capabilities.
The Eurasia Airshow will be realized under the auspices of the Presidency of the Turkish Republic, with the support and collaboration of significant public institutions and organizations, such as the Turkish Armed Forces General Staff, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communication, the Undersecretariat of Defense Industry, General Directorate of State Airports Operations, General Directorate of Civil Aviation, and Turkish Airlines.
The ATC is excited about this partnership and looks forward to working with them closely moving forward.