BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//American-Turkish Council - ECPv4.6.14.1//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALNAME:American-Turkish Council X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for American-Turkish Council BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20181203 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20181208 DTSTAMP:20180709T183939 CREATED:20180703T131613Z LAST-MODIFIED:20180703T131644Z SUMMARY:Aerospace & Defense Trade Mission to Turkey DESCRIPTION:The U.S. Department of Commerce and American-Turkish Council Aerospace & Defense Certified Trade Mission to Turkey will introduce U.S. companies to potential Turkish business partners and buyers\, key industry and government officials and key opportunities in the Turkish market\, where is business is based on personal relationships. \n“It would take months\, if not years\, to gain access to the groups and individuals\, both public and private sector\, that we were able to meet with based on the Trade Mission.” -past Turkey Trade Mission participant \nWhy Turkey? Why Now? \nMajor Push in Civil Aviation.\nCivil aviation is booming in Turkey and Turks are frequent flyers. Turkish airports handled a record number of passengers in 2017\, exceeding 190 million. Turkey’s strategic location ensures unrivaled advantages in airline\, MRO\, cargo and air taxi services in the region. With the opening of the New Istanbul Airport\, Turkey will become a regional hub for air transportation. \nDefense Sector Growth and Regional Opportunities.\nOver $10 billion was allocated in the 2018 defense budget\, with 50% to be spent on goods\, services and modernization programs. Turkey is a partner country in the Joint Strike Fighter Program\, while the Turkish Air Force is the third largest operator of the F-16. Turkey’s military is among the world’s 10 strongest and the country is a growing hub for defense and aerospace companies interested in markets in the Middle East and North Africa. \nMeetings with Key Government and Industry Players.\nTrade mission members will meet with the Ministry of Defense\, State Airports Authority\, Undersecretariat for Defense Industries\, Turkish Armed Forces Foundation\, the Defense Industry Manufacturers Association\, Turkish Defense Conglomerates like Aselsan\, Havelsan\, TAI\, TEI\, private sector companies\, sector associations and various other stakeholders. \nCost: $5\,000 per company * • Limited availability**\n* Airfare and lodging not included. ATC Members & SMEs please contact us for special discounts. Each additional participant $1\,000.\n** Certain conditions apply for participation. Please contact us for details. \n URL: ORGANIZER;CN="American-Turkish%20Council" END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR