Technology. ArgosAI is based in Ankara’s Middle East Technical University Technopolis, known as METUTECH, which is the first science and research park in Turkey. METUTECH serves as a base for research companies providing them with access to the benefits that close proximity to the METU campus offers. ArgosAI is an accomplished and capable firm dedicated to enhancing the well-being of humanity through the use of sophisticated and innovative technologies. Their main focus is on their Automated Foreign Object Debris (FOD) Detection system to enhance runway and airport safety, as FOD on airport taxiways, ramps, and runways can cause aviation operations to become increasingly unsafe and result in costly damage. ArgosAI puts the safety of aviation passenger’s first through the use of Automated FOD Detection, a system designed to located even the most evasive objects of debris in any weather condition on an airport tarmac. The system is able to classify objects according to their size and its algorithms are capable to locating objects as small as 2cm from up to 300 meters away. ArgosAI’s state of the art technological advancements are contributing to the safety of airline passengers around the world. In addition to pattern recognition and classification, ArgosAI is also experienced in the areas of image segmentation, robot vision, as well as deep learning. Their strong suits are in computer vision and machine learning technologies and they have received various recognitions. ATC is excited for this partnership and applauds ArgosAI for their achievements. We are looking forward to working with them in the future!