ATC’s Statement on Turkish Elections
June 25, 2018
ATC Welcomes Meridian Integrated Business Solutions Inc.
July 27, 2018

ATC Welcomes CimSA as a top-tier member

The American-Turkish Council delighted to announce its newest top-tier member, ÇİMSA. One of the leading industrial companies in Turkey, Çimsa, was established in 1972. Currently Çimsa carries out its operations with its 5 integrated plants in Mersin, Eskişehir, Kayseri, Niğde, and Afyonkarahisar, a grinding facility in Ankara, Marmara terminal and Cement Packaging facility in Malatya.

As one of the first two brands in the world in white cement, Çimsa is an international cement manufacturer with its terminals in Hamburg (Germany), Trieste (Italy), Sevilla and Alicante (Spain), Famagusta (T.R.N.C.), Constanza (Romania), and Novorossiysk (Russia).

ÇİMSA meets the product and service needs of its customers in full and on time thanks to its market-oriented approach and wide distribution network. As a reliable business partner of its stakeholders, Çimsa provides the materials required for living areas and their infrastructures that would extend to next generations.

Çimsa pioneers the cement and building materials sector in Turkey as regards innovation thanks to its special products of white cement and aluminate cement in addition to the grey cement.

The ATC is extremely proud to count Cimsa as its member, and look forward to working closely together with them moving forward.