Terma North America Joins the American-Turkish Council

Anadolu Etap Becomes Newest Golden Horn Member of the ATC
November 21, 2016
The ATC Welcomes Yildizlar Yatirim Holding as its Newest Golden Horn Member
January 5, 2017

Terma North America Joins the American-Turkish Council

Terma North America (TNA) is one of the latest companies to join the American-Turkish Council (ATC).

Headquartered in Arlington, Virginia, Terma North America has developed a significant presence in the U.S. as a provider of mission-critical solutions for the aerospace, defense and security sectors - during which time the company has established a proven track record. We are known as an independent, flexible, and fast responding partner for mission customized solutions. Terma North America Inc. (TNA) facilitates the growth and development of Terma U.S. business through local presence near customers and partners. TNA also provides an interface with the Department of Defense, U.S. armed services, the U.S. Government, and prime contractors.

The ATC is proud to welcome Terma North America to our family of members, and we look forward to working with them closely.
