ATC Board of Directors elects Tamer Saka, CEO of Kibar Holding, as Vice Chairman

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ATC Board of Directors elects Tamer Saka, CEO of Kibar Holding, as Vice Chairman

At the 35th Annual Conference on U.S.-Turkey Relations, the American-Turkish Council’s Board of Directors elected Tamer Saka, CEO of Kibar Holding, as the new Vice Chairman.

The American-Turkish Council (ATC) is a leading independent business organization that helps member companies achieve their bilateral business and investment objectives, and facilitates stronger U.S.-Turkey relations.

Before Kibar Holding, Tamer Saka held several senior positions in various high profile Turkish and international corporations. In 2011, Dr. Saka joined Kibar Group, where he is the CEO and a member of the Board of Directors.

After being appointed as Vice Chairman, Tamer Saka said, “ATC is a crucial institution and has played a significant role in the economic relationship between USA and Turkey. As ATC, we will continue doing our best to have our effectiveness increased.”