Turkish Airlines a Top-Tier Sponsor of the U.S.-Turkey Innovation Summit
May 31, 2016
Simtek Inc. joins the American-Turkish Council
June 20, 2016

ISPAT a Sponsor of the U.S.-Turkey Innovation Summit

The American-Turkish Council (ATC) is proud to announce that The Republic of Turkey Prime Ministry Investment Support and Promotion Agency (ISPAT) is a sponsor of the U.S.-Turkey Innovation Summit, taking place July 21st at Harvard University’s Knafel Center. ISPAT is the official organization for promoting Turkey’s investment opportunities to the global business community and providing assistance to investors before, during and after their entry into Turkey.

ISPAT is active on a global scale, with a network of local consultants in Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Spain, the Russian Federation, the UK and the U.S. Their team of experts provides consultation to investors hoping to develop their business operations in Turkey. ISPAT’s services include, among others, market information and analysis; sector reports; site selection; identifying potential partners; negotiations with relevant governmental institutions; and facilitating legal procedures.

The Summit will convene and connect private companies, universities, and government institutions to facilitate partnerships in R&D and address related topics including innovation ecosystems, methodology, risk, and legal considerations. Leading thinkers and practitioners - including Dr. Daron Acemoğlu, MIT Professor and author of the best-selling book, Why Nations Fail, and Nicholas Negroponte, co-creator of Wired Magazine and founder and Chairman Emeritus of MIT’s Media Lab - will provide value to companies in defense & aerospace, agriculture, pharmaceutical, healthcare, energy, education, public safety, information and communication technologies (ICT), and tech by addressing crucial questions related to government support of R&D, opportunities for collaboration, technology transfers, and licensing. Participants will also include startups and VCs speaking about commercialization processes and the importance of innovation.

For additional information on how your company can sponsor the U.S.-Turkey Innovation Summit, please contact ATC Communications Director, Eli Lovely, at elovely@the-atc.org.