American-Turkish Council gearing up for the U.S.-Turkey Investment Partnership Summit

American-Turkish Council gearing up for the U.S.-Turkey Investment Partnership Summit


On February 24th, 2016, the American-Turkish Council (ATC) will host the U.S.-Turkey Investment Partnership Summit at the beautiful Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Washington, DC. The day-long Summit will incorporate energetic and dynamic roundtable discussions with top experts; a Luncheon featuring keynote remarks by U.S. Trade and Development Agency Director, Leocadia Zak; and an exclusive Networking Reception. Already, the Summit has attracted regarded U.S.-Turkey joint ventures, rapidly growing tech and finance companies, premier international law firms, and select government agencies.

Moderators and discussants include representatives from the U.S. Department of Commerce, FNSS, Capitalinka, Beyazit Consulting Services, George Washington University, Herrick & Feinstein, Herdem Law Firm, Expertera, George Mason University, the Kurdish Regional Government of Iraq, Baker Donelson, Fox News, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK), and ZIRX. Discussants also include former State Department Spokesperson named by The Atlantic as one of 21 Brave Thinkers of 2011, P.J. Crowley; as well as Founder and Managing Partner of Middle Bridge partners, Omer Er.

Stepping away from a traditional panel format, the roundtable discussions will provide a platform for experts to engage in a free-flowing conversation and actively convene their diverse perspectives on issues and opportunities surrounding U.S.-Turkey partnerships including: market entry, political and financial risk, business ecosystems, and prospects for cooperation in third-party markets.

Roundtable discussions will be held on a stage in the center of the venue, surrounded by the audience, thereby providing attendees a more intimate and engaging experience. This innovative format will provide Summit sponsors high visibility throughout what promises to be a memorable event.

The Summit will also host the U.S.-Turkey Business Council Meeting. Organized by the Department of Commerce in 2012, the U.S.-Turkey Business Council convenes senior-level executives from the United States and Turkey, providing policy recommendations to both governments jointly on ways to strengthen bilateral economic relations. In addition, the ATC will release a new report on U.S.-Turkey commercial relations at the Summit. The report, titled “Restart and Renewal: Taking U.S.-Turkish Trade to $50 Billion by 2025” aims to reset the conversation on U.S.-Turkey trade.

Taken together, the Summit is the only event of its kind, and will reflect the increasingly dynamic and exciting nature of the U.S.-Turkey commercial relationship. Sponsoring companies will receive enormous exposure among chief U.S.-Turkey private and public sector stakeholders.

For more information, please contact ATC Director of Communications, Eli Lovely at