ATC and Turkey-U.S. Business Council co-host breakfast in honor of Deputy Prime Minister Mehmet Şimşek

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ATC and Turkey-U.S. Business Council co-host breakfast in honor of Deputy Prime Minister Mehmet Şimşek

On the morning of January 7th, the American-Turkish Council (ATC) in collaboration with the Turkey-U.S. Business Council (TAİK) hosted a breakfast in honor of Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey, Mehmet Şimşek. The breakfast was held at The Willard Hotel in Washington, DC and was attended by approximately 40 individuals representing ATC member companies and government institutions from both sides of the bilateral relationship. Lockheed Martin, a proud member of the ATC for over twenty years, sponsored the event.

ATC President Howard Beasey provided welcoming remarks before surrendering the floor to Steve Williams of Lockheed Martin who formally introduced Deputy Prime Minister Şimşek. The Deputy Prime Minister articulately conveyed Turkey’s economic opportunities and challenges, and issued a strong endorsement for stronger U.S.-Turkey commercial ties. He highlighted for attendees many of the government’s priorities moving forward, including accountability, transparency, and combating corruption. Şimşek emphasized the need for judicial and tax reforms, investment in education, the importance of quality governmental institutions, and revival of EU talks which have facilitated Turkey’s reform processes in the past. He then fielded several questions from the audience.

The Breakfast ended with an exchange of gifts. President Beasey and Lockheed Martin’s Steve Williams presented Deputy Prime Minister Şimşek with an ATC-inscribed crystal paperweight and a pen, and expressed deep gratitude and optimism for the U.S.-Turkey partnership moving forward.