The American-Turkish Council is pleased to announce that the Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC) has joined the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges (TOBB) as a Platinum Sponsor of the 34th Annual Conference on U.S.-Turkey Relations. The support of TOBB and SNC is instrumental to the success of this year’s event and illustrates a relationship with the ATC based on shared values and goals in service of the U.S.-Turkey relationship.
TOBB, with over 365 local chambers of commerce and industry members, is Turkey’s top private sector representative body. SNC, an ATC Golden Horn member, is a world-class prime systems integrator and electronic systems provider. The company has found recent success in Turkey. In May 2015, SNC signed a Memorandum of Understanding involving the Turkish Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs & Communications to meet the need of producing the country’s fırst regional jet as part of its Regional Aircraft Project.
In addition, Raytheon has decided to provide support as a Gold Sponsor of the Annual Conference, reiterating their commitment to the bilateral alliance. The ATC is sincerely grateful for Raytheon’s generosity, as well as the generosity of companies including Lockheed Martin, BAE Systems, Citi, Savronik, TABA, and Pratt & Whitney, who are providing their support at the Silver Sponsor level. The Turkish Steel Exporters’ Association (CIB) is providing a single session sponsorship. The ATC has also formed media partnerships with several companies and organizations including The Business Year, Atlantic Council, Global Trade Review, and Aerospace Industries Association in an effort to successfully publicize the conference.
Since the planning process began, the ATC has confirmed a number of keynote speakers who will provide comments on the importance of the U.S.-Turkey diplomatic and commercial relationship. TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarciklioglu, U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken, U.S. Deputy Secretary of Commerce Bruce H. Andrews, ATC Chairman General James L. Jones, and U.S. Senator and Chairman of the Senate Committee on Armed Services John McCain have already confirmed their participation.
As the 34th Annual Conference approaches, the ATC will continue to provide our members and the general public with regular updates. We are looking forward to what promises to be an exciting conference at a moment of unprecedented potential for an expansion of U.S.-Turkish ties.
For additional information on this year’s conference, including materials on sponsorship, please contact ATC Director of Communications and Marketing Eli Lovely at