American-Turkish Council

1111 14th Street NW
Suite 1050
Washington DC 20005

Phone (202) 783-0483
Fax (202) 783-0511

The Honorable Reha Denemec, Vice-Chairman of the AK Party,and a member of the Turkish Grand National Assembly addresses ATC Executive Committee members at a luncheon at the Sofitel Hotel, Washington, DC on June 2, 2004.



ATC remembers the 40th President
of the United States, Ronald Reagan, 1911-2004
The NATO Business & Security Forum,
Istanbul Turkey, June 30 - July 2, 2004
23rd Annual Conference On
U.S.-Turkish Relations Directory 03.30.04
CPA-IRAQI Reconstruction Issue Updates 11.25.03
Papers on U.S. - Turkish Relations 11.30.03
EU Commission's Progress Report for Turkey Analysis by CPS 11.10.03
European Commission's 2003 Progress Report for Turkey 11.07.03
Business Guides for Iraq & Afghanistan by U.S. Gov. Export Portal 09.12.03
U.S. Commercial Service's Turkish Bazaar Issue 2 07.23.03
Turkey Country Commercial Guide FY 2003 05.21.03
U.S. Department of Commerce Eastern Mediterranean Program 03.05.04
AFOT, Millenium of Music, and Woven Legends present: "The Carpet Raffle"
59th Government of the Republic of Turkey -   English & Turkish Version
Links to other Resources
Turkish & American Holidays
Visa, Airlines, Hotels and Travel Agencies
Music Festivals and Other Cultural Events
Istanbul Lutfi Kirdar Convention Exhibiton Centre
Travel Bulletins by the U.S. Department of State