www.turkishdailynews.com - Turkey's
first and only English print daily. www.turkishnews.com/NewsNetwork - Turkish news updated daily. www.hurriyet.com.tr - Hurriyet newspaper www.milliyet.com.tr - Milliyet newspaper www.sabah.org - Sabah newspaper www.ntv.com.tr - NTV |
The U.S. Embassy in Ankara Turkey -
- Assembly of Turkish American Associations www.TUSIAD.org
- TUSIAD www.TUSIAD-US.org - TUSIAD USA www.ftaa.org - Federation of Turkish American Associations www.mac.doc.gov/bdc/turkey - U.S.-Turkey Business Development Council (BDC) www.aegeanfreezone.com - ESBAS/Aegean Free Zone |
Turkish Embassy at Washington D.C - www.turkey.org
www.turkey.com www.btimg.com - Business Turkey Interactive Marketing Group. www.finet.com.tr - Turkey travel information. www.yahoo.com/Regional/Countries/Turkey www.ise.org - Istanbul Stock Exchange www.travlang.com - Basic Turkish instruction www.corporatevat.com - explanation of the Value Added Tax (VAT) system www.oanda.com - Currency exchange information www.IBSResearch.com - IBS Research & Consultancy www.firmalar.com - Business guide to Turkey |
Turkish Artists - www.e-galleryonline.com
Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts - www.istfest.org |