ATC has many different activities that take place throughout the year. These activities range from cultural to business to governmental affairs.
Annual Conference
The most important event sponsored by ATC is its Annual Conference. Held every year in Washington DC, it incorporates the whole spectrum of U.S.-Turkish relations. The Conference program addresses the key issues between the two countries and the region. Participation is diverse, from Members of the U.S. Congress, to Cabinet Secretaries and other senior Administration officials, the U.S. military, as well as Turkish political leaders and high-ranking government and military officials. In addition to the senior government officials of both countries, the Conference attracts hundreds of other participants, including leaders in international business and professions from both Turkey and the United States. The Conference offers up-to the-minute political and economic briefings as well as cultural events. It also provides an opportunity to American and Turkish businessmen and women to exchange ideas and information on strategic issues, product marketing, and scientific topics and to develop business contacts.
The membership of ATC is diverse, and the interests and activities of each member cover a vast range of subjects. In order to incorporate and make the best use of this diversity, the council has formed industry specific committees, which are actively working on the issues pertaining not only to their areas, but also together with other committees to encourage and enhance the business interests of each of the members. The Council's Standing Committees, which guide its activities, are as follows: Agribusiness & Food Industries, Banking & Finance, Construction & Energy, Culture & Tourism, Defense & Security Affairs, Information Communication Technology, Pharmaceutical, and Trade & Textiles. Corporate members are encouraged to take part in these work groups.
Congressional Staff Trip
Each year, select groups of Congressional Staffers are invited to visit Turkey, an educational trip that combines meetings with top-level administration members, NGOs, and visits to some of the famous historical and cultural sights of the country. This trip also gives ATC an opportunity to show the achievements of member companies within Turkey such as power plants, schools, factories, joint ventures and other businesses.
Publications & Website
The Council has two annual publications, one is the Conference magazine and the other is the Annual Report. Both of these provide an opportunity for members to advertise and promote their activities as well as share their experiences. These publications are distributed to government officials of both the U.S. and Turkey and also at various ATC sponsored workshops in the U.S., Turkey and Europe. The American-Turkish Council's integrated website provides links to related sites, as well as member sites and is the milieu in which interesting articles and related information about Turkey and the United States is posted. Members and other interested parties also use the website to advertise their companies and/or products.
Seminars, Workshops & Briefings
Throughout the year ATC sponsors seminars and workshops in Turkey and the U.S., as well as breakfasts, luncheons, dinners and receptions for visiting dignitaries and other Turkish officials. In Washington, as part of its educational awareness program, ATC organizes briefings on current U.S.-Turkish issues with senior officials in the Executive Branch and members and staff officials of both Houses in the Congress.