The Clean Energy Technologies Conference officially sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
and the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources (MENR) of Turkey was a resounding success.
The Conference was co-sponsored by American-Turkish Council (ATC),
the Turkish-U.S. Business Council (DEIK), TAIK and the Scientific and
Technical Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK).The Conference was made possible by financial support from:
o U.S. Department of Energy, AKEnerji, Alarko Group, ENKA, GAMA, General Electric Company,
Suzer Group, TUPRAS, Zorlu Group, Enerji SA (Sabanci Group) and CALIK EnergyThe speakers included 23 experts from the U.S. DOE labs and private sector and 38 experts from
the Government of Turkey, academia and private sector.
The two-day conference was preceded by expert-to-expert meetings at TUBITAK followed by
government-to-government meetings between the DOE and MENR experts arrived at developing the
technical dialog between energy agencies. Copies of all presentations, plus a detailed agenda are
posted on this website and are available for public downloading and use.
Members may contact any of the speakers by sending an email to
ATC will provide a telephone number and/or an email address.
Presentations (Grouped by Date and Room, Sorted by last name first):
January 29, 2008
Tuesday Morning, Ballroom 1
Alis, Halil
Altintas, Isa
Gun, Vedat
Turan, Ismet
Yagmur, Adnan
January 29, 2008
Tuesday Afternoon, Ballroom 1
Alacakir, Birsen
Atac, Atilla
Icli, Siddik
Inan, Demir
Kemal, Halil
Kuban, Baha
Mansueti, Larry
Nelson, Jeffrey
Ozcelil, Esref
Tutus, Ayla
January 29, 2008
Tuesday Afternoon, Ballroom 2 & 3
Akgun, Fehmi
Bicer, Necdet
Breault, Ronald
Heddle, Gemma
Okandan, Ender
Onal, Guven
Orucu, Yasemin
Ozdogan, Sibel
Rapagnani, Richard
Sahin, Mustafa
Strakey, Joseph
Uysal, Bekir
Wildman, David
Yoon, Roe-Hoan