Updates Index & Archive
05.13.08 | ATAA 28th Annual Convention
The 28th Annual Convention Of The Assembly Of Turkish American Associations (ATAA) will begin May 15-17, 2008 at the newly renovated National Sheraton Hotel located in Arlington, Virginia.
04.30.08 | April issue of the EU Corridors posted
This month’s headlines, comments on Brussels’ reactions against the party closure case recently filed in Turkey. more
04.17.08 | Secretary Condoleezza Rice's Remarks
at the 27th Annual Conference on U.S.-Turkish Relations, Tuesday Luncheon. more
03.20.08 | March issue of the EU Corridors posted
This month’s headlines, covering the European Council conclusions and the reactions from the EU to the latest developments in Turkey among other economic, social and political news. more
03.17.08 | Annual Conference Update
Draft program for the 27th Annual Conference is now online. more
03.12.08 | Turkey Set to Invest in Better Relations With Kurds
By Sabrina Tavernise for The New York Times Published: March 12, 2008 more
02.28.08 | A $12 billion history lesson
By Timothy W. Ryback and Elazar Barkan for International Herald Tribune Published: February 25, 2008
02.27.08 | Suzan Sabanci Dincer Proves Turkey's Answer to Customer's Man
By BEN HOLLAND for Bloomberg.com Published: February 25, 2008 more
02.26.08 | A New Breed of Billionaire -
Husnu M. Ozyegin has spent $50 million building 36 primary schools and girls’ dormitories in the poorest parts of Turkey. By LANDON THOMAS Jr. for NY Times Published: December 14, 2007 more
02.25.08 | Turkey's Warren Buffett looks West
Banker Coskun Ulusoy turned fund OYAK into a major financial player, enriching Turkey's military retirees along the way. By Peter Gumbel, Fortune Europe editor... more
02.19.08 | February issue of the EU Corridors posted
This month’s headlines, covering the Kosovo issue, Commission’s energy and climate change package and a pharmaceutical sector inquiry, among other economic, social and political news. more
02.19.08 | Settling Cyprus
Article by Hugh Pope, The Wall Street Journal Europe, posted February 14, 2008 more
02.04.08 | Dinner in honor of General Ergin Saygun, Deputy Chief of the Turkish General Staff...
was hosted by ATC's Chairman Lt. Gen. Brent Scowcroft and Defense & Security Affairs Committee on January 30, 2008 more
02.03.08 | Defense Industry Day, hosted by ATC
On January 31, ATC hosted a Defense Industry Day at the Army-Navy Club. Events included an ATC Defense Committee meeting, presentations and discussions from members of the U.S. and Turkish government delegations and the private sector. more
01.26.08 | Bush's Diplomatic Amends
By Jackson Diehl, Washington Post, Monday, January 14, 2008; Page A21 more
01.25.08 | Remarks of AFOT Chairman Amb. Pearson
Ambassador Pearson's remarks at the AFOT's Annual in Washington D.C on January 23, 2008. more
01.24.08 | Turkish-American Clean Energy Conference Update
Conference program has been updated with the latest speaker and schedule information. This will be the final update before the conference. more
01.15.08 | Turkish-American Clean Energy Conference Update
Conference program has been updated with more speakers, new panels and discussion topics. more
01.10.08 | H.E. President Abdullah Gül in Washington, D.C.
ATC hosted a luncheon January 9 in honor of Turkey’s President, H.E. Abdullah Gül. Foreign Minister Ali Babacan and State Minister for the Economy Mehmet Şimşek accompanied President Gül. more
12.24.07 | Turkish-American Clean Energy Conference
Daily Program is now available to download more
12.17.07 | Energy Committe Meeting Follow up
Related documents for the December 13, Energy Committee Meeting posted.(Members Only)
12.10.07 | U.S.-Turkey-Azerbaijan: a Strategic Partnership
Daniel Fried, Assistant Secretary European and Eurasian Affairs Remarks to the Center for Eurasian Policy conference on "The Azerbaijan-Turkey-U.S. Relations and Its importance for Eurasia" more
12.05.07 | Oxford Business Group (Online Briefing, Turkey: Looking at Inflation)
Market observers have been scrutinising Turkey's rate of inflation of late, and with good reason. They are partially right in concluding... more
12.03.07 | Oxford Business Group (Online Briefing, Turkey:IT Education)
Education, development and information technology (IT) go together - a principle Turkey has increasingly voiced over recent years more... more
11.26.07 | Privatization in Turkey
The Privatization Administration of Turkey has recently announced its 2008 program. Review the details and the upcoming sales, profiles more
11.26.07 | Prime Minister Erdoğan in D.C.
From Prime Minister Erdoğan's Visit to D.C. on November 5:
White House Visit: Transcripts
National Press Club Remarks: Audio
CSIS Remarks: Video / Audio
11.21.07 | Global Infrastructure Seminar in NYC
On December 12 & 13 in New York City, ATC member "CG/LA Infrastructure" will conduct the 2007 Global Infrastructure Leadership Forum promoting the Top 100 global infrastructure projects. more
11.02.07 | November issue of the EU Corridors posted
The editorial in this month’s issue of EU Corridors covers the European Commission’s recent Progress Report on Turkey published on November 6 and the EU’s reaction to possible cross-border operations by Turkey. more
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