The American-Turkish Council hosted a reception-dinner on April 17th in honor of the Turkey Smart Grid Reverse Trade Mission to U.S. organized by the U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA). This GE Energy sponsored working dinner aimed to encourage networking and generate partnerships between U.S. and Turkish Energy businesses in Turkey.
April 17, 2012
Sponsored by GE Energy
The American-Turkish Council hosted a reception-dinner on April 17th in honor of the Turkey Smart Grid Reverse Trade Mission to U.S. organized by the U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA). This GE Energy sponsored working dinner aimed to encourage networking and generate partnerships between U.S. and Turkish Energy businesses in Turkey.
The USTDA organized the mission to acquaint senior Turkish energy officials with the multitude of American “Smart Grid” products that can smoothly integrate into Turkey’s electric power sector making it one of the most efficient in the world, as part of Turkey’s ambitious goal to become the 10th largest economy in the world by 2023.
ATC welcomed the Turkish delegation, led by Mr. Vedat Gun, Vice President of the Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA). In the delegation officials from major electric distribution companies of Turkey such as Sakarya Electricity Distribution Company, Trakya Elektrik Dagitim A.S. and representatives from the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources were present. Other participants included Counselors Akif Inam and Behic Hatipoglu from the Turkish Embassy, Carl Kress of USTDA, Raymond Ellis of Eximbank, Cherie Rusnak of Deparment of Commerce, ATC members and other guests.
Ambassador James H. Holmes gave introductory remarks followed by a brief presentation by Carl B. Kress, USTDA’s Regional Director for Europe, Middle East & North Africa. John McDonald, Director, Technical Strategy & Policy Development at GE staged an overview of GE’s Smart Grid technologies and business strategies. The head of the delegation, Vedat Gun briefly talked about Turkey’s goals and plans in the energy sector and concluded his remarks thanking ATC, GE, and USTDA for organizing this successful program.
We are grateful for GE for hosting and sponsoring this event.