Todd Rosenblum
Todd M. Rosenblum is an IBM Senior Executive for National Security Programs and Strategy. He is responsible for identifying market engagement opportunities for IBM’s Safer Planet, Enterprise Insight Analysis suite of capabilities. Todd focuses especially closely on deepening collaborative partnerships with senior executives in the United States Government, U.S. State, local and private sector companies, as well as worldwide defense, intelligence and law enforcement institutions. Todd also looks to expand IBM Safer Planet partnerships with academia, non-profit organizations and think tanks.
Todd joins IBM following a 27 year career across U.S. national security agencies. He was President Obama’s Acting Assistant Secretary and Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Americas’ Security Affairs at the Pentagon, as well as his Deputy Under Secretary of Intelligence for Plans, Policy, and Performance Management at the Department of Homeland Security. Todd oversaw defense policy for the Americas and all defense activities in the homeland at the Pentagon, including along the nation’s borders, pandemic response, force protection, insider threat, mission assurance and in response to emergency requests from civil authorities. He directed intelligence policy for the homeland security intelligence enterprise at the Department of Homeland Security, producing a first ever intelligence strategy for the homeland and represented the Department in DNI-led Deputy Committee meetings.
Todd was a Senior Professional Staff, National Security Cluster, on President Obama’s Presidential Transition Team from November 2008 - February 2009. Todd reported directly to the Deputy Chief of Staff, and was responsible for identifying senior appointments across national security agencies.
Todd was a Professional Staff Member on the Senate Intelligence Committee from 2005 – 2008 providing oversight of human intelligence collection programs in the Middle East. He concurrently served as the Military Legislative Assistant and National Security Advisor to Senator Evan Bayh from 2001 - 2008, advising the Senator on all matters before the Senate Armed Services Committee.
Todd held several management and advisory positions at the Department of State and the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency from 1994 - 2001. He was the Executive Assistant/Chief of Staff to the Assistant Secretary of State for Nonproliferation, the Senior Foreign Affairs Advisor for Northeast Asia at the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, and the Deputy Political-Military Advisor for the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs. Todd served as a delegate to Korean Peninsula Peace Talks in Geneva, was a negotiator on nonproliferation and regional security dialogues with China, Japan and the two Koreas, and chaired an interagency working group on dual-use export license requests to countries of concern.
Todd began his professional career as an Intelligence Officer in the Central Intelligence Agency’s Office of Near Eastern Affairs, Directorate of Intelligence, from 1988 - 1993. Todd crafted time urgent and strategic, predictive analysis of events in the Middle East.
Todd has received numerous individual and group awards from the Departments of Defense and State, Health and Human Services, the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, and the Central Intelligence Agency. He was awarded the Department of Defense’s Distinguished Public Service Medal and the Department of Homeland Security’s Outstanding Public Service Medal. He received his Masters in International Affairs from Columbia University, and his Bachelor of Arts from The George Washington University.
Todd is a consultant to the Department of Defense and serves on the Defense Science Board Task Force on Homeland Defense. He is a frequent author and speaker on national security topics. Todd is as a Non-Resident Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council, and The George Washington University, Center for Cyber and Homeland Security. He is a member of the Intelligence and National Security Alliance Executive Committee, and Business Executives for National Security. He was a Visiting Fellow at Third Way’s National Security Program, and President of National Security Outcomes, LLC. He is a contributing writer for The Cipher Brief.