Tamer Saka
Born in 1973, Tamer Saka received B.A., M.A. and graduate degrees from the Business Administration Department at Istanbul University.
Tamer Saka served as Director and Senior Director responsible for Risk Management Consultancy services in Arthur Andersen and Ernst & Young in order, before joining Sabancı Holding in 2004, as the first Risk Management Director in the real sector in Turkey, to establish H.Ö. Sabancı Holding Risk Management Directorate. Mr. Saka also served as Board Member and Audit Committee Member at Aksigorta, TURSA - Sabancı Enternasyonel Otelcilik, Ankara Enternasyonel and ADVANSA - SASA Polyester Sanayi companies.
After his tenure at Sabancı Holding, Mr. Saka took on the position of Managing Director responsible for business development in approximately 20 countries, including Turkey, at Willis London, between the years of 2010-2011. Mr. Saka also served as Corporate Governance Association Board Member between 2007-2010; as President of TÜSİAD Risk Management Work Group between 2008-2010; and as Founding President of Enterprise Risk Management Association between 2009-2010, while also representing Turkey at the Federation of European Risk Management Associations as Board Member.
After serving as the Strategy & Business Development Coordinator at Kibar Holding since 12 December 2011, Tamer Saka served as the Automotive & Corporate Functions SBU President and the Board Member as of May 2012.
Tamer Saka has been assigned as CEO as of 10.01.2014 and he will continue to serve as Board Member.