Jason Kleinman
Jason Kleinman has experience in a wide range of domestic and international tax and estate planning matters. He is a creative problem-solver, offering practical solutions to help clients achieve their goals.
Jason protects the interests of high-net worth individuals, families and closely held businesses in the structuring of real estate investments, joint ventures, mergers and acquisitions, cross-border investments, art acquisitions and litigation settlements.
Jason has a distinctive understanding of planning with trusts. He regularly works with attorneys in Herrick’s Trusts & Estates Department in the structuring of trusts to minimize tax burdens and provide asset protection. He recently contributed his insights on the tax consequences of trust modifications in an article featured in the American Bar Association’s Real Property, Trust and Estate Law Journal.
Jason advises private clients making inbound US. investments and U.S. clients with holdings abroad. He draws on the breadth of his experience when working with clients to address their cross-border taxation needs.
Before joining Herrick, Jason worked for the international division of the IRS Office of Chief Counsel, where he specialized in the administration of Treasury Regulations applicable to cross-border investments. Jason’s projects at the IRS included the updating of the Treasury Regulations applicable to U.S. debt investments, controlled foreign corporations and withholding on outbound payments to non-U.S. investors. Jason also assisted field auditors in determining the bona fides of taxpayers’ cross-border transactions, particularly taxpayers’ claims to eligibility for U.S. income tax treaty benefits.