Hakan Kocer is the Chief Strategy Officer at NEF Real Estate. In the last 26 years of his career, Kocer has worked in IT, Telecom and SDA sectors first as a Product Manager, COO, then finally as CEO, board member and shareholder. Currently he is in the real estate development business.
He worked for Arena who distributed HP, Compaq, IBM, Microsoft, Sun, Philips, Epson and many other brands. During his 9 years of employment revenue jumped from $2 million to $260 million. Under his management, Arena experienced SAP implementation, acquisition negotiations with CHS, merger with Karma Turkey, and IPO at the Istanbul Stock Exchange.
Diminishing margins in distribution and economical crisis in Turkey have contributed to Kocer’s skills of setting up and managing a lean and mean, low cost operations, hedging risks, and sustaining a profitable growth in Turkey.