H.E. Mehmet Simsek
Deputy Prime Minister
Mehmet Şimşek serves as a Deputy Prime Minister for economic affairs. He previously served as the Minister of Finance (2009-15), and as the Minister of Economy (2007-09).

Secretary Ernest Moniz
United States Secretary of Energy
As United States Secretary of Energy, Dr. Ernest Moniz is tasked with implementing critical Department of Energy missions in support of President Obama’s goals of growing the economy, enhancing security and protecting the environment.

Michael Froman
United States Trade Representative (USTR)
Michael Froman was sworn in as the 17th United States Trade Representative (USTR) on June 21, 2013. As USTR, he is President Obama’s principal advisor, negotiator and spokesperson on international trade and investment issues.

Tony Blinken
United States Deputy Secretary of State
Antony J. Blinken was confirmed by the United States Senate as Deputy Secretary of State on December 16, 2014. He was sworn in by Secretary Kerry on January 9, 2015. Mr. Blinken has held senior foreign policy positions in two administrations over two decades.
Ambassador Serdar Kılıç
Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey to the United States
Serdar Kılıç has been the Turkish Ambassador to the United States since April 2014.

Ambassador John R. Bass
U.S. Ambassador to Turkey
John R. Bass has been the U.S. Ambassador to Turkey since September 2014.

General James L. Jones
Chairman, American-Turkish Council
General James L. Jones is the former commander of U.S. European Command and Supreme Allied Commander Europe, where he led all military operations for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, as well as former National Security Advisor.

Ömer Cihad Vardan
President, DEIK
As the Chairman of the Economic Development Foundation (İKV) between 2014 and 2015, President Vardan delved into Turkey-EU relations and oversaw and led the publication of several reports, bulletins, journals as well as organization of conferences and meeting on Turkey’s EU process. In September 2015, Vardan was appointed as the President of Foreign Economic Relations Board of Turkey (DEİK).
Howard G. Beasey
President & CEO, American-Turkish Council
Mr. Howard Garrett Beasey is the President and Chief Executive Officer of the American-Turkish Council, a bilateral, non-profit organization dedicated to the strengthening of U.S.-Turkish trade, investment, defense and cultural relations, and to the promotion of awareness and understanding of U.S.-Turkish issues.
K. Ekim Alptekin
Chairman, Turkey-U.S. Business Council (TAIK of DEIK)
As the Chairman of the Turkey-U.S. Business Council (DEIK/TAIK), Ekim Alptekin is committed to boosting Transatlantic trade and bolstering the commercial angle of decades-long Turkish-American partnership.

Fatih Özmen
CEO, Sierra Nevada Corporation
As CEO of Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC), Fatih Ozmen uses his insight and experience to anticipate the emerging technological needs of the global marketplace, developing tomorrow's technologies today. Driven to innovate for impact—to improve the welfare of humanity and security of the nation—he leads SNC’s exploration of novel and cutting-edge technologies.

Eren Özmen
Owner & President, Sierra Nevada Corporation
Entrepreneurial and humanitarian – Eren Ozmen embodies an inspiring American Dream story, bringing her passion and determination first to the United States, then to build one of “The World’s Top 10 Most Innovative Companies,” including to space with SNC’s Dream Chaser® program. With gratitude, Eren is focused on paying forward her success to benefit America’s next generation of entrepreneurs with similarly big dreams and aspirations.

General John Abizaid
Strategic Advisor, Sierra Nevada Corporation
General John Abizaid served as commander of U.S. Central Command from July 2003 to March 2007. He know serves as a strategic advisor for Sierra Nevada Corporation.

Bruce Andrews
Deputy Secretary of Commerce, U.S. Department of Commerce
Bruce Andrews was confirmed as the Deputy Secretary of Commerce on July 24, 2014.

Elif Dördüncü Aydemir
Founder and President, Quatro Strategies
Elif Dördüncü Aydemir is the founder and the main strategist of Quatro Strategies & Consulting, Llc based in Istanbul, Turkey. She works as a Strategic Consultant in Turkey, EU, Balkans, and Caucasus, and gives lectures and seminars on Political Science, Political Campaigns, Political Systems, and Government Relations for Corporations.

Murat Agirnasli
President & CEO, Agime Group LLC
Murat Agirnasli is the President & CEO of Agime Group, LLC and has over 30 years experience in structuring complex transactions, forming investment syndications and limited partnerships, and creating financing models for business ventures.

Batu Aksoy
CEO & Board Member, Turcas Petrol
Batu Aksoy is the CEO and Board Member of Turcas Petrol, an oil and energy focused investment company, and its controlled subsidiaries.

Rint Akyüz
Chairman of the Board of Directors, Rotel Ic ve Dis Ticaret A.S.
Currently Rint Akyuz serves as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of “Rotel İç ve Dış Ticaret A.Ş.” and “ADM East Starch Amylum Nişasta Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş.”
Patrick L. Anderson
Founder & CEO, Anderson Economic Group
Patrick L. Anderson is the founder of two US companies, and an award-winning author. Mr. Anderson founded Anderson Economic Group in 1996, and serves as the Chief Executive Officer of the company. Anderson Economic Group is one of the most recognized boutique consulting firms in the United States, and now operates out of its offices in Chicago, New York, Istanbul, and East Lansing Michigan.

Ahmet Atay
Government & Corporate Affairs Director, Microsoft Turkey
Ahmet Atay works as “Government & Corporate Affairs Director” for Microsoft Turkey since May 2013 responsible for driving company’s engagement and outreach activities with policy makers, industry associations and key stakeholders in Turkey.

Cavit Avcı
National Telemedicine Project, Istanbul University
Prof Cavit Avci graduated from Istanbul University’s Faculty of Medicine as a Doctor of Medicine in 1968 and as general surgeon in 1974.
Fatih Ayhan
Chairman of the Board, DFA Engineering
Fatih Ayhan is the chairman and founder of DFA Group. He has been advising private companies, financial institutions and public agencies in energy field for the last 13 years.

Mehmet Ali Berkman
Chairman of the Board of Directors, Aksa
Mr. Mehmet Ali Berkman is the Chairman of the Board of Directors at Aksa.
Erhan Binici
CEO, Ankaref
Erhan Binici is the CEO of Ankaref, which he co-founded in 2007 with the objective to be one of the key players in the Internet of Things (IoT) market and has played an important role in shaping the industrial and personal IoT market in different sectors.

John Bode
President & CEO, Corn Refiners Association
President and C.E.O. John Bode comes to the Corn Refiners Association with 30 years of experience as a lawyer/lobbyist in Washington, D.C.

Kara Bombach
Shareholder, Greenberg Traurig, LLP
Kara Bombach assists companies in numerous industries to lawfully export goods, technology and services around the globe.

Andrew Bowen
Global Fellow, Middle East Program, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
Andrew Bowen, Ph.D. is a Global Fellow in the Middle East Program at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. He is a Columnist for Al Arabiya and Arab News and a Senior Advisor to Greenmantle, a macroeconomic and geopolitical advisory firm.

Thomas Boyle
Chief Operating Officer, Buffalo & Fort Erie Public Bridge Authority
Mr. Thomas Boyle is currently serving as the Chief Operating Officer for the Buffalo & Fort Erie Public Bridge Authority, a bi-national customs and border inspection and tolling facility.

Brian Castleberry
Regional Manager for The Middle East, Africa and Canada for the Office of International Investment and Trade, Maryland Department of Commerce.
Brian Castleberry is Regional Manager for The Middle East, Africa and Canada for the Office of International Investment and Trade at the Maryland Department of Commerce.

Erdogan Çesmeli
Executive Director of Catalyst, GE Ventures
Erdogan Cesmeli, PhD, MBA, is Executive Director of Catalyst at GE Ventures, which aims to establish collaborations with scientific entrepreneurs to generate world-changing outcomes, while shaping the future of GE.

Serhat Cicekoglu
Founder, Sente Advisory Services
Mr. Serhat Cicekoglu is an expert on Innovation Management with over 25 years of industry experience serving corporations in Consumer Electronics, Semiconductor, Consumer Goods, and Industrial Products sectors, including AMD, Accenture, KPMG, and SAP.
Bedriye Cicioglu
Aerospace Sector Manager, Undersecretariat for Defence Industries (SSM)
Bedriye Cicioglu in 2012 was appointed as Director of Aerospace Sector at SSM.
Peter Costello
Senior Director and International Business Development Leader, Honeywell Defense and Space
Peter Costello is the Senior Director and International Business Development Leader for Honeywell Defense and Space. He is responsible for leading Strategic Growth for the International business with an annual revenue target over $1B.

Ahmet Burak Dağlıoğlu
Head of Department, ISPAT
Ahmet Burak Daglioglu was appointed as Head of Department of the Investment Support and Promotion Agency of Turkey (ISPAT) in May, 2015.
Nizamettin Derbil
Chairman of Energy & Infrastructure Committee, The American Turkish Council
Nizamettin Derbil is the Chairman of the Energy & Infrastructure Committee of The American Turkish Council.
Hüsnü Dilemre
Deputy Undersecretary, Ministry of Economy, Republic of Turkey
Husnu Dilemre is the acting Deputy Undersecretary of the Ministry of Economy.
Emrah Dilsizoglu
Country Manager, Blackboard Turkey
Emrah Dilsizoglu oversees the entire operations of Blackboard’s business development in Turkey, where he engages with schools, higher education, and pro-education organizations to help effectively use technology to support teaching and learning and improve student outcomes.
Ceyhun “Jay” Doğan
Owner, Tayse International
Ceyhun Dogan is the co-owner and COO of Tayse International Trading Inc., a fast growing home textiles and floor covering distribution company selling 100% made in Turkey products.
Doreen Edelman
Co-Leader, Global Business Team, Baker Donelson
Doreen Edelman is a shareholder in the Washington, D.C. office of Baker Donelson and is a co-leader of the Firm's Global Business Team.

İhsan Elgin
Founding Director, Fit Startup Factory at Özyeğin University
İhsan Elgin is currently Founder of Core Strateji; a strategy firm that specializes in entrepreneurial transformation at leading companies and “Entrepreneur in Residence” at Özyeğin University.

Nurdan Erbuğ
Founder & President, Anadolu Hayvancilik
Nurdan Erbuğ is the founder and president of Anadolu Hayvancilik (1996) which is a major frozen bovine & ovine semen and embryo importing company in the Turkish dairy industry. Anadolu Hayvancilik has been acting as the exclusive distributor for Alta Genetics Inc since 1996 which is the biggest privately owned genetic company globally.

Prof. Dr. Arif Ergin
President, TUBITAK
Prof. ERGİN has worked as President of TÜBİTAK BİLGEM and the Chairman of the Executive Board of TÜBİTAK Marmara Research Centre Technopolis since February 2014.

Edward J. Erickson
Professor of Military History, Command & Staff College
Dr. Edward J. Erickson is a Professor of Military History at the Command & Staff College. Professor Erickson is a retired US Army officer with over seventeen years of overseas service as a field artilleryman and Turkish foreign area officer.

Nicole F. Fisher
Founder & CEO, HHR Strategies Inc.
Nicole Fisher, HHR Strategies Inc,’s Founder and CEO, is a health care, human rights and health economic advisor mainly focusing on Health Policy, Reform, Medicare, and Medicaid, specifically as they impact vulnerable populations.

Courtney Gaine
CEO, Sugar Association
Courtney Gaine is the interim president and CEO for the Sugar Association. Dr. Gaine brings more than a decade of experience in nutritional sciences and important leadership qualities to the position.
Hüseyin Gelis
CEO & President, Siemens Turkey
As Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Hüseyin Gelis is responsible for the overall strategic management and leadership for all Siemens activities in Turkey. He is also, the Chairman of the Siemens Leasing Financial System and the Chairman of the Siemens Pension Trust

Joseph D. Gustavus
Senior Principal, Miller Canfield
Joseph D. Gustavus is a corporate attorney and leader of Miller Canfield's Export Controls Group representing multinational clients and clients primarily in the automotive, defense, aerospace, software and information technology sectors.

Hasan Hepkaya
Head of Project Finance, Industrial Development Bank of Turkey (TSKB)
Mr. Hasan Hepkaya serves as the Head of Project Finance at Industrial Development Bank of Turkey (“TSKB”), Turkey's first privately owned development and investment bank.
Şafak Herdem
Managing Partner, Herdem Attorneys at Law
Mr. Herdem is the Managing Partner of Herdem Attorneys at Law and has worked to attract new investors, identify new economic models, turning the new inflow of information into new projects, analyzing sectors in detail, and finally helping to establish a wide communication network.

Fred Hochberg
Chairman and President, Export-Import Bank of the United States
Fred P. Hochberg is Chairman and President of the Export-Import Bank of the United States (ExIm Bank). During his nearly six years of leadership, Ex-Im Bank has supported nearly 1.3 million American jobs and financed exports with a value exceeding $200 billion.

Dov Hyman
President, Dolin International Trade and Capital LLC
Over the past 30+ years, Mr. Dov Hyman has built a distinguished track record of successfully structuring and implementing Industrial Partnership programs, international trade and project finance programs, cross border mergers and acquisitions, and knowledge transfer programs.

Robert F. Ichord, Jr.
Nonresident Senior Fellow, Global Energy Center, Atlantic Council
Dr. Robert F. Ichord, Jr. is a nonresident senior fellow at the Atlantic Council’s Global Energy Center. He comes to the Atlantic Council after almost forty years of US Government service in advancing US international energy interests.

Mustafa Ilbeyli
Advisor, ISPAT
Mustafa Ilbeyli was appointed as advisor to ISPAT for East Coast US in October 2014 and he is based in New York City.
Barbaros M. Karaahmet
Partner, Herrick, Feinstein LLP
Barbaros M. Karaahmet, is a partner at Herrick, Feinstein LLP and utilizes his wide-ranging experience and contacts as a Turkish-American attorney to assist clients in the U.S. and abroad, including the Republic of Turkey itself.

John Kelly
Vice President of Business Development & Strategic Planning, BAE Systems
John Kelly is Vice President of Business Development & Strategic Planning of BAE Systems. Based in Arlington, Va., he is responsible for oversight of all business winning activity for the sector including activities within the BAE Systems home markets.

Jason Kleinman
Associate, Herrick, Feinstein LLP
Jason Kleinman has experience in a wide range of domestic and international tax and estate planning matters. He is a creative problem-solver, offering practical solutions to help clients achieve their goals.
Hakan Koçer
Chief Strategy Officer, NEF Real Estate
Hakan Kocer is the Chief Strategy Officer at NEF Real Estate. In the last 26 years of his career, Kocer has worked in IT, Telecom, and SDA sectors first as a Product Manager, then COO, and finally as CEO, board member and shareholder.

Nadi Koklu
Vice President, Kale Group
Recep Nadi Koklu is the Vice President of Kale Group.
Şirin Köprücü
Owner, Principal Trainer and Consultant at StrategicStraits, Inc.
Şirin Köprücü is the owner of StrategicStraits, Inc., an international business training and consulting firm in Washington, DC.

Sibel Kulaksız
Senior Country Economist, World Bank
Sibel Kulaksiz is a Senior Country Economist with the World Bank where she is working at the Global Practice for Macroeconomics and Fiscal Management.
Fergül Kuzucuoğlu
Founder, AFK Strategies Inc.
Fergül Kuzucuoğlu is the founder of AFK Strategies Inc., a boutique consulting company helping SME’s in different industries to achieve their analytical, revenue and business development goals with creative integrity.

Michael Lally
Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA), U.S. Department of Commerce
Michael Lally is Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA). Mr. Lally leads efforts to develop trade policy and facilitate business development with U.S. firms in the EMEA region. His duties include business and policy development and operational oversight of five Washington business units and over forty U.S. Commercial Service offices in the EMEA region.
Philip H. de Leon
Director for Public Affairs and International Business Development, AGCO Corporation
Mr. Philip de Leon is based in Washington, DC and is the Director for Public Affairs and International Business Development at AGCO Corporation. AGCO is a global leader in the design, manufacture and distribution of agricultural machinery.

Lieutenant General Kenneth F. McKenzie, Jr
Director, J-5, Strategic Plans and Policy, Joint Staff
Lieutenant General Kenneth F. McKenzie, Jr is the Director, J-5, Strategic Plans and Policy, Joint Staff. Prior to becoming the DJ-5, Lt. Gen. McKenzie served as the Commander Marine Forces U.S Central Command from June 2014 to November 2015.

Hannah Messerli
Eisenhower Research Professor of Tourism Policy and Chair of the International Institute of Tourism Studies
Presently at the George Washington University School of Business, Dr. Hannah Messerli is the Eisenhower Research Professor of Tourism Policy and Chair of the International Institute of Tourism Studies.

Steve Miller
Senior Investment Specialist, SelectUSA
Steve Miller is Senior Investment Specialist at SelectUSA. SelectUSA, housed within the U.S. Department of Commerce, is the investment promotion agency for the United States Government.

Navroop Mitter
CEO, ArmorText
Navroop Mitter is the CEO of ArmorText a mobile security and privacy startup based out of the Washington, DC metro area.

Lt. General (Ret) Michael Moeller
Vice President of Business Development, Pratt & Whitney's Military Engines
Lt General (Ret) Michael Moeller is the vice president of Business Development for Pratt & Whitney's Military Engines division where he is responsible for engaging with governments and industries from around the world to secure new international and domestic business for Military Engines' products and services.

Paul Mongillo
Vice President, International Business Development, Raytheon
Paul Mongillo, serves as vice president, International Business Development for Raytheon’s Integrated Defense Systems (IDS) business.

Jonathon E. Monken
Dūcō Expert | Senior Director, System Resiliency and Strategic Coordination, PJM Interconnection
Jonathon E. Monken is Senior Director, System Resiliency and Strategic Coordination in the ITS Division of PJM Interconnection. In this capacity, he works to build enterprise-level resilience in the areas of business continuity, physical and cyber security, risk management, operations and planning.

Robert A. Morin
Senior Vice President of Business & Product Development, EXIM Bank of the U.S.
Bob Morin is the Senior Vice-President of Business & Product Development of the Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM Bank). EXIM Bank is the official export credit agency of the United States Government.

Mark Newman
President, Market Solutions LLC
Dr. Mark D Newman is President of Market Solutions LLC, a leading U.S.-based international food and agriculture consulting firm providing clients with Insight for Action to help build markets worldwide.

Numan Olcar
Executive Board Member of Association, Turkish Travel Agencies (TURSAB)
Mr. Numan Olcar is an Executive Board Member of Association of Turkish Travel Agencies (TURSAB), and is in charge of Airlines Ticketing, IATA and Foreign affairs.
Barıs Öney
Founder and Managing Partner, Globalturk Capital
Baris Oney is the Founder and Managing Partner of Globalturk Capital. He is currently active in the boards of numerous portfolio companies as an early stage investor and/or a co-investor with international private equity funds as well as strategic investors.
Barıs Ornarlı
Washington Representative, TUSIAD
Baris Ornarli was appointed Washington Representative of the Turkish Industry and Business Association (TUSIAD) in September 2012.

Lutfu Ozcakir
Vice President, Training and Technologies Simulation Division, Havelsan
Since 2011, Lutfu Ozcakir has been employed as Executive Vice President of Training and Simulation Technologies division at Havelsan.
Canan Özsoy
CEO, GE Turkey
She has been appointed as President and CEO, GE in Turkey responsible from GE’s growth in Turkey as a leading emerging market in August 2012.
Douglas Parks
Chief Executive Officer, DowAksa
Douglas Parks is the Chief Executive Officer of DowAksa, a role he assumed in November 2015.
William Pegues
Director of Structured Finance & Insurance, Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC)
William Pegues leads the debt financing of energy and infrastructure projects in emerging and frontier markets at the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), which is the development finance institution of the U.S. government.

Walid Phares
Foreign Policy Advisor, Trump Campaign
Dr. Phares serves at the Foreign Policy Advisor for the 2016 Trump campaign.

James Del Piano
Chief Operating Officer, North America, Kordsa Global
As of July 2015, James Del Piano was appointed to Chief Operating Officer, North America at Kordsa Global.

Naki Polat
Executive Vice President of Aerostructure Group, Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI)
Naki Polat, Executive Vice President of Aerostructure Group of Turkish Aerospace Industries, Inc. (TAI), was born in Kırıkkale in 1961 and graduated from the Mechanical Engineering Department of the Middle East Technical University in 1983.

Todd Rosenblum
Senior Executive, IBM i2 Safer Planet
Todd M. Rosenblum is an IBM Senior Executive for National Security Programs and Strategy. He is responsible for identifying market engagement opportunities for IBM’s Safer Planet, Enterprise Insight Analysis suite of capabilities.

Tamer Saka
CEO, Kibar Holding
Tamer Saka has been assigned as CEO of Kibar Holding as of 10.01.2014 and he will continue to serve as Board Member.

Dick Sandifer
Senior Director, International Capture, Raytheon
Mr. Richard Sandifer has worked in the national and international defense and commercial business arenas for over 30 years developing and leading the captures of new business.
Mike Sarımsakçı
Founder & President, Alterra International, LLC
With an extensive experience in leading and directing major domestic and international infrastructure as well as real estate development projects, Mike Sarimsakci is responsible for financial and real estate development activities for Alterra International, LLC located in Dallas and Istanbul.

Demir Sarman
Managing Director & CEO, Anadolu Etap
Mr. Sarman is the Chief Executive Officer of Anadolu Etap since its incorporation.

Nancy Ziuzin Schlegel
Vice President, International Government Affairs, Lockheed Martin International
Nancy Ziuzin Schlegel has close to 30 years of experience in the international trade, and global defense and aerospace sectors, having worked on Capitol Hill and in the Executive Branch, as well as in a major trade association and in increasing leadership roles within the Lockheed Martin Corporation. In January 2016, Nancy Ziuzin Schlegel was named Vice President, International Government Affairs, Lockheed Martin International (LMI)

Jeffrey J. Schloesser
Strategic Vice President, Sierra Nevada Corporation
Jeffrey J. Schloesser is Strategic Vice President at Sierra Nevada Corporation. A retired US Army Major General and former President of AAR’s Airlift Group, he has been a consultant to governmental agencies and businesses seeking expertise in Defense and National Security Affairs, Aviation, Counter Terrorism, and Strategic Planning.

Aziz Sipahi
As of July 2005, Aziz Sipahi has taken over the General Management of VESTEL Defence Group of companies; AYESAS (Aydin Yazilim ve Elektronik San. A.S.) which is a Joint Venture of ZORLU Group (Turkish Holding active in Textile, Energy, Consumer Goods, Mining and Property Development) and L-3 Communications, and as well VESTEL Defence Industry Inc.

Alicia Sloan
Co-Founder & Coo, Duco Experts
Alicia Sloan commands nearly 10 years of national security experience advising policymakers through her work for the Intelligence Community, the Department of Defense, and Capitol Hill.

Michele Small
Director, Head of the Washington D.C. Representative Office, EBRD
Michèle Small was appointed as Director, Head of the Washington D.C. Representative Office of EBRD, effective 9 May 2016. The primary purpose of the Representative Office is to support business development by establishing and maintaining senior relationships with key potential foreign direct investors into the Bank’s regions and to raise awareness of the Bank’s mandate, capabilities and instruments.

Matt Stanton
Senior Director for Distance Health, Cleveland Clinic
As the Senior Director for Distance Health at the Cleveland Clinic, Matt Stanton leads a department that develops and manages the Cleveland Clinic’s telemedicine initiatives; creating technology solutions to expand the reach and improve the efficiency of healthcare.
Robert Stasio
Dūcō Expert | Senior Product Manager for Cyber Analysis, IBM i2 Safer Planet
Bob Stasio is an offensive cyber security and threat intelligence expert. He provides strategic leadership to commercial and government firms to create world-class security programs.

Marcella Szymanski
Deputy Director for the Agricultural Policy Office, U.S. Department of State
Dr. Marcella Szymanski is the Deputy Director for the Agricultural Policy Office in the Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs (EB) at the U.S. Department of State.
Burak Talu
Executive Board Member & CEO, Dogus Construction Company
Burak Talu currently serves as the Executive Board Member and CEO in Doğuş Construction Company, and as a Board Member in the sister company Ayson Geotechnical and Marine Construction Co.

Hayri Torun
Vice President and Head of OES Group, Roketsan Missiles Inc.
A. Hayri Torun is Vice President and the leader of Operations and Energetic Systems (OES) Group at Roketsan Missile Industries Inc. since February 2012.

LTG. Yavuz Turkgenci
Director of Plans and Policy Directorate, Turkish General Staff
On 28 July 2016 he was promoted to Lieutenant General rank and was appointed as the Director of Plans and Policy Directorate at the Turkish General Staff. LTG. TURKGENCI is currently serving in this position.

Gillian Turner
Senior Associate, Jones Group International
Currently Ms. Gillian Turner is a Senior Associate with Jones Group International (JGI), a global strategy firm, where she works directly with former National Security Adviser Jim Jones. She has a regional focus on Africa and the Middle East.

Joshua Walker
Vice President, Global Programs, APCO Worldwide
Dr. Joshua W. Walker is a perpetual bridge-building policymaker, trained as an academic and passionate about global affairs with a specialization in the Middle East and East Asia. He currently serves as a Transatlantic Fellow at the German Marshall Fund of the United States and he teaches the Politics of National Security at the George Washington University’s Elliot Graduate School of International Affairs and Leadership and the American Presidency at the George Mason University.

Ed Whitfield
Former U.S. Representative, Kentucky
Wayne Edward "Ed" Whitfield is an American politician who served as the U.S. Representative of Kentucky's 1st congressional district from January 1995, until his resignation in September 2016. He is a member of the Republican Party.
Andrea Zacharias
Head of Sales, DC, Trunk Club
Andrea Zacharias is the head of sales at DC Trunk Club and plays a central role in the general management of the DC location and also helps to guide and execute company-wide initiatives with the senior sales leadership team.
Armin Zerunyan
Turkey Country General Manager, Hilton Worldwide
Armin Zerunyan is the Hilton Worldwide Turkey Country General Manager, in charge of Full Service and Luxury Properties, with a total portfolio of 10 hotels including Hilton, Doubletree by Hilton and Conrad Brands, since January 2011.