AFOT Gala Dinner
Join us in a gala 25th birthday celebration for American Friends of Turkey, the oldest Turkish-American organization devoted to presenting positive programs about Turkey and Turkish culture. As part of its effort to promote young Turkish artists in the United States, AFOT is pleased to introduce and present in performance at this dinner the brilliant young Turkish soprano now emerging as an international opera superstar, Burcu Uyar.
Oil & Gas
Attend the Oil and Gas Workshop—Turkey’s role as both an energy consumer and transportation hub is evolving on multiple fronts, bolstering Turkey’s position as a key link between major new oil and gas producers in the East and consumers in the West. Workshop speakers will focus on recent pipeline and upstream oil and gas developments in Turkey that will shape the Eurasian energy landscape and investment opportunities for years to come and underscore the continued geopolitical stakes for multiple businesses and governments.
Defense & Security Affairs
The Defense & Security Affairs workshops will include strategic overview presentations by senior American and Turkish military and civilian officials; discussion of issues impacting the US-Turkey defense industry cooperation; and a panel on dealing with “hard issues” in US-Turkey relations, such as PKK terrorism and Armenian “genocide” resolutions. Invited participants include: Vice Admiral Edmund Giambastiani, Vice Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff; General Ergin Saygun, Deputy Chief, Turkish General Staff (TGS); General James Jones, former SACEUR; Lieutenant General Hilmi Akın Zorlu, J5, TGS; Lieutenant General John Sattler, J5, Joint Chiefs of Staff; Mr. Murad Bayar, Undersecretary of Defense for Defense Industry; and Mr. Kenneth Krieg, Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics.
The Agriculture and Food Industries workshops will build upon successful 2006 activities that strengthen industries and bilateral relations: Discussion of the enhanced bilateral MOU on scientific and technology cooperation and its consequences for Agribusiness; positive steps regarding the BSE ban on imported livestock; settlement of a major pet food trade issue and its consequences; and forums and events that foster one-on-one meetings with decision makers and policy setters.
Banking and Finance
The Banking and Financial Services Committee will sponsor a panel on law reforms in Turkey. Speakers from Turkey and the U.S.A will highlight changes in the tax and investment codes and their consequences for international investment and commerce.
Electric & Power
Attend the Electric Power Workshop! Are there power shortages in Turkey’s future? Learn why the Government delayed the sale of the Distribution Companies and when privatization of electric power might resume. Learn what steps are needed to insure adequate generation capacity in the short run, the true costs of delay and how the Government intends to meet its targets, including the role of renewable power.
Get the inside track on emerging opportunities in the construction sector! Opportunities abound for Turkish construction companies and joint ventures with U.S. companies. Workshop speakers will focus on new trends along with public and private opportunities on the drawing board for Turkey, the Gulf and North Africa regions. The workshop will facilitate networking and alliances between U.S. and Turkish companies.
Special Committee seminars will be held in pharmaceuticals and textiles, as well as workshops on Trade Development and Healthcare |