Keynote Videos
The American-Turkish Council (ATC) extends its deepest appreciation to the many supporters and participants who helped to make the 34th Annual Conference on U.S.-Turkey Relations a monumental success. Held from September 27th through the 30th at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Washington, DC, this year’s Annual Conference drew over 400 attendees, and hosted a nearly even split of U.S. and Turkey-based companies. The conference fulfilled its mission as envisioned by this year’s theme “Commercial Diplomacy: Strengthening the Alliance,” by featuring over 17 panels in 10 industries.
This year’s attendance and support eclipsed that of last year. The participation of high-level political and military leaders from both sides of the alliance reflected the vitality of the alliance, and generated great optimism regarding the U.S.-Turkey relationship moving into 2016. The strong support of our member companies is testament to their long-term faith in the value of the U.S.-Turkish relationship.
Memories from the Conference
Keynote Speakers

The Honorable John R. Bass
Ambassador to the Republic of Turkey, United StatesJohn Bass was confirmed by the U.S. Senate on September 17, 2014, and was sworn-in as the U.S. Ambassador to Turkey on October 7, 2014. more

Fatih Özmen
CEO, Sierra Nevada CorporationMr. Özmen joined SNC in 1981 with a broad engineering background culminating with a M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Nevada more

James L. Jones
Chairman, American-Turkish CouncilFormer National Security Advisor to the President of the U.S., Former Supreme Allied Commander Europe and Combatant Commander USEUCOM, 32nd Commandant of the Marine Corps more

M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu
President, Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB)M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu is the President of TOBB, the largest non-profit business organization in Turkey, covering 365 Chambers and Commodity Exchanges. more

Thomas J. Donohue
President and CEO, U.S. Chamber of CommerceThomas J. Donohue is president and CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, since 1997. more

U.S. Senator John McCain (R-AZ)
Chairman, Senate Committee on Armed ServicesJohn McCain entered the Naval Academy in June of 1954. He served in the United States Navy until 1981. more

Bruce H. Andrews
Deputy Secretary of CommerceBruce Andrews was confirmed as the Deputy Secretary of Commerce on July 24, 2014. more

Gen. Philip M. Breedlove
Commander, U.S. European Command and NATO Supreme Allied Commander EuropeU.S. Air Force Gen. Philip M. Breedlove assumed duties as Commander of European Command and as Supreme Allied Commander, Europe in late spring of 2013. more

The Honorable Leocadia I. Zak
Director, U.S. Trade and Development AgencyLeocadia I. Zak was appointed by President Obama and confirmed by the U.S. Senate as the Director of the U.S. Trade and Development Agency more

General Paul J. Selva
Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of StaffGen. Paul J. Selva serves as the 10th Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. In this capacity, he is a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the nation’s second highest-ranking military officer. more
Featured Panelists:
- Ralph Acaba, Vice President, Integrated Defense Systems, Raytheon
- Abayomi Alawode, Head of Islamic Finance, Finance & Markets, The World Bank
- Abraham Avidor, International Economist
- Howard G. Beasey, President & CEO, American-Turkish Council
- Necdet Budak, Director, Food and Agriculture Policies Research Institute, TEPAV
- Merryl Burpoe, CEO, Hittite Green Solutions
- Cüneyt Çilingiroğlu, Chairman, UNIFREE Duty Free
- Michael Collini, Vice President, Development, Hilton Worldwide
- Nicole Dean, Intelligence, Information, and Services, Raytheon
- The Honorable Dr. İsmail Demir, Undersecretary for Defense Industries, Ministry of National Defense
- Nizamettin Derbil, Co-Chair, Energy & Infrastructure Committee, American-Turkish Council
- Janamitra Devan, Member, B20 Steering Committee
- Emrah Dilsizoğlu, General Manager, Blackboard Turkey
- Robin Dunnigan, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Energy Diplomacy, U.S. Department of State
- Doreen Edelman, Co-Leader, Global Business Team, Baker Donelson
- Serkan Elden, Senior Managing Director, Capitalinka
- Can Erbil, Professor, Boston College
- Mehmet Ertürk, Vice President, EMRA
- Brian Gaithwright, Director, Business Development, BAE Systems
- Hüseyin Geliş, President and CEO, Siemens Turkey
- Greg Gierer, Vice President of Policy and Regulatory, America’s Health Insurance Plans
- Kylanne Green, President and CEO, URAC
- Berna Güngenci, General Counsel, GDF Suez
- William H. Haight III, Vice President, Contingency Construction, Louis Berger
- Jeff Hardy, ICC G20 Advisory Group Coordinator, International Chamber of Commerce, Invited
- M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, President, Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB)
- Ömer İsvan, President, Servotel Corporation
- Bahadır Kaleağası, International Coordinator and Representative to the European Union, TUSIAD
- Nafiz Karadere, President & CEO, Garanti Bankası, Invited
- Jonathan Katz, Deputy Assistant Administrator for the Bureau of Europe & Eurasia, USAID
- Kemal Kirişçi, Director, Center on U.S. and Europe’s Turkey Project, Brookings Institute
- Wes Kremer, President, Integrated Defense Systems, Raytheon
- Burak Kuntay, President, American Studies Center, Bahçeşehir University
- Damien Levie, Head of the Trade and Agriculture Section, EU Delegation to the U.S.
- Gary Litman, Vice President, International Strategic Initiatives, U.S. Chamber of Commerce
- Joe Lukitsch, Chair, Agribusiness Committee, American-Turkish Council
- M. Kemal Mamak, Partner, Herguner Bilgen Ozeke
- Beth McCormick, Director, Defense Technology Security Administration, U.S. Department of Defense
- Robert Monyak, Executive Vice President & Managing Director, Worldbusiness Capital
- Amb. Richard L. Morningstar, Founding Director, Global Energy Center, Atlantic Council
- Remy Nathan, Vice President, International Affairs, AIA
- Efgan Niftiyev, Director, Strategy and Policy, Caspian Strategy Institute
- Haluk Nuray, Brussels Representative, Economic Development Foundation
- Stephen O’Bryan, Vice President, International Strategy and Business Development, Lockheed Martin
- Mehmet Önkal, Managing Partner, BDO Hospitality Consulting
- Dr. Aylin Özdemir-Lorenz, Managing Director Turkish Region, International Operations, Cleveland Clinic
- A. Murat Özgen, CEO, İŞ Private Equity Investment Trust
- Bill Pegues, Financial Director, OPIC
- Dr. Michael P. Pietrzak, MD, Chief Medical Consultant, HKS
- Ussal Şahbaz, B20 Turkey Content Lead, TEPAV
- Güven Sak, Managing Director, TEPAV
- David Salmonsen, Senior Director, International Policy, American Farm Bureau Federation
- Jenny Samaan, Senior Director, Global Health Learning Opportunities, Association of American Medical Colleges
- BGen Marc Sasseville, Senior Defense Official, U.S. Embassy Turkey
- Hakan Satıroğlu, Founder & CEO, Xplana
- Esin Sile, Ph.D., Partner and CEO, MindBridge Partners
- Ayşe Sinirlioğlu, G20 Turkey Sherpa Ambassador, Republic of Turkey, Invited
- Selçuk Şirin, Professor, New York University
- Clifford Stone, VP, International Programs and Business Development, Military Engine Division, Pratt Whitney
- Serhan Süzer, CEO, Eko Renewable Energy Inc. (EkoRE)
- Ömer Taşpınar, Professor, National War College
- Serhat Toktamışoğlu, Director of Software Engineering, Milsoft
- Ass. Prof. Dr. H. Ömer Tontuş, General Manager, CEO, Turkish Health Ministry, Health Promotion Agency
- Eric Trachtenberg, Director, Food and Agriculture Practice, McClarty and Associates
- Celal Tüfekçi, Deputy Undersecretary for Defense Industries, Ministry of Defense, Invited
- LTG Salih Ulusoy, Turkish J-5, Turkish General Staff, Invited
- Kadir Üstün, Executive Director, SETA Foundation
- Tunç Uyanık, CEO, World SME Forum
- Dr. Joshua Walker, Transatlantic Fellow, German Marshall Fund
- Jay Weiker, Vice President, National Association of Animal Breeders
- Norman A. Willox, CEO, Bluewater International
- Faruk Yarman, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Savronik
- Dr. Mehmet Yılmaz, Director, International Relations, Turkish International Cooperation and Development Agency (TIKA), Invited
- Armin Zerunyan, Vice President, Turkish Touristic Hotels & Investors Association (TUROB)
- Deniz Zeyrek, Ankara Bureau Chief, Hurriyet Daily
Conference Program
Final Program and the topics of discussion have been posted. You can see the details below or click the icon on the left to download the print ready PDF.
Conference Recap
Click on the icon on the left to download the recap of the 34th Annual Conference on U.S.-Turkey Relations, September 27 - 30, 2015
Presentations by Session:
- Session A3 Can Erbil, Professor, Practice of Economics, Boston College [PDF]
- Session B1 Damien Levie, Head of Section, Trade and Agriculture, European Union Delegation to the United States [PDF]
- Session B2 William H. Haight III, Vice President, Contingency Construction, Louis Berger [PDF]
- Session B2 Joanne M. McCall, Senior Vice President, Parsons [PDF]
- Session B2 William J. Pegues, Director, Structured Finance, Overseas Private Investment Cooperation [PDF]
- Session C2 William J. Pegues, Director, Structured Finance, Overseas Private Investment Cooperation [PDF]
- Session C3 Dr. Necdet Budak, Director, Food and Agriculture Policies Research Institute, TEPAV [PDF]
- Session C3 Linda Eilks, International Trade Specialist, USDA Foreign Agricultural Service [PDF]
- Session C3 Eric Trachtenberg, Director, Food and Agriculture Practice, McClarty and Associates [PDF]
- Session C3 Jay Weiker, Vice President, National Association of Animal Breeders [PDF]
- Session D1 Remy Nathan, Vice President, International Affairs, AIA [PDF]
- Session D1 Aziz Sipahi, Board Member, SASAD; General Manager, AYESAS & Vestel Defense [PDF]
- Session D2 Utku Aral, CEO, Samsun Yurt Savunma [PDF]
- Session D3 John W. Bode, President, Corn Refiners Association (CRA) [PDF]
- Session D3 Courtney Gaine, Ph.D, RD, Vice President, The Sugar Association [PDF]
- Session D3 Ahmet Pelit, Secretary General, Turkish Sugar Board [PDF]
- Session D3 Eric Trachtenberg, Director, Food and Agriculture Practice, McClarty and Associates [PDF]
- Session E1 Ward Heinke, Director, Cyber Defense Solutions, Raytheon [PDF]
- Session E1 Serhat Toktamışoğlu, Director, Software Engineering, MilSoft [PDF]
- Session E1 Norman A. Wilcox, Managing Partner, Bluewater International [PDF]
- Session E2 Berna Güngenci, General Counsel, GDF Suez Energy Turkey [PDF]
- Session E3 Dr. Aylin Özdemir-Lorenz, Managing Director Turkish Region, International Operations, Cleveland Clinic [PDF]
- Session E3 Dr. Michael P. Pietrzak, MD, Chief Medical Consultant, HKS [PDF]
- Session E3 Dr. H. Ömer Tontuş, General Manager and CEO, Turkish Health Ministry, Health Promotion Agency [PDF]
- Session F1 Mustafa Erçelik, CEO, Alpata Group [PDF]
- Session F2 Patrick Anderson, President and CEO, Anderson Economic Group [PDF]
- Session F2 Stephen Ezell, Director, Global Innovation Policy, Information Technology and Innovation Foundation [PDF]
- Session F3 Michael Collini, Vice President, Development, Hilton Worldwide [PDF]